GN Drive
Referred to as a "solar reactor" (太陽炉 Taiyou-Ro),or sometimes Solar Furnace. A "Gundam Nucleus Drive" (or GN Drive (GNドライヴ GN Doraivu) in short) is a semi-perpetual generator that outputs GN Particles, developed as a mobile weapon power source by Celestial Being. It harnesses the photon and positron discharge of the non-evaporative decay of baryonic matter as an energy source; GN particles are not used in the process of energy production. Though there is a finite energy output per unit of time, the absence of a limit to its functional life translates to an effectively inexhaustible supply of energy. Owing to the unique heatlessness of its activity and the special properties of its byproduct GN particles, device operation is virtually invisible to such methods of detection as Infra-red search and track or conventional radar. These drives are used in conjunction with a TD Blanket, a special filter used in true GN Drives. These unique components not only provide filtering to the GN Drives and prevent the GN particles from damaging cellular organisms, but also give the GN Drives their near-infinite energy production capability. This component also prevents other factions from creating true GN Drives of their own, as the TD Blanket can only be manufactured in a location of high atmospheric pressure such as the upper gaseous atmosphere of Jupiter, where the GN Drives were first manufactured. A GN Drive is unable to harness topological defects for energy without a TD Blanket.
- Veda
Veda (Sanskrit वेद, véda, "knowledge") is the supercomputer of Celestial Being, located in the colony ship of the same name stationed near the Moon. It is a highly advanced form of artificial intelligence based on real developing technologies of quantum processing. Veda is interlinked throughout all of Celestial Being's computers, including the Gundams. The Gundams possess an operating system that is interlinked with Veda for tactical adaptation and mobile suit combat. The name "Veda" may be a reference to the Vedas, a collection of ancient Hindu scriptures.
Due to suspicious tampering with Veda, Sumeragi had her staff create a backup system in the event Veda was hacked again. This system was helpful when Alejandro Corner managed to find Veda. Alejandro nearly had the Gundam Meisters killed when he overrode the Gundam's systems, but Sumeragi had the Gundams disconnect from Veda and coordinate on their own.Veda was directly linked to Aeolia Schenberg's dormant body, and is programmed with a system trap should Aeolia's body be harmed in any way. This safety program was activated when Aeolia Schenberg was killed, unlocking the original Gundams' Trans-Am System while erasing all information on the four Gundam Meisters.
Veda is linked to the world's net, making it capable of absorbing a vast amount of data. It is unclear if Veda is capable of hacking since other Celestial Being members hacked for information; Veda is known to have classified government information. It is unknown whether the information was given by Celestial Being observers, done by itself, or a combination of both.
Its inter-network systems are no different than modern internet LAN systems, but on more complex scales. Veda can communicate with the Haros of Celestial Being, but it is unclear whether Veda has influence or merely communicates with them; it would explain the Haros' ability to perform complex tasks and reflective thoughts to the Meisters. Veda's systems are linked with the Gundams and provide tactical knowledge as well as remote control with the Gundams.
Although Veda is an all powerful A.I. construct, it is still just an advanced operating system. Like all software, it can be altered or controlled. Veda has seven layers of barriers for such a situation, but was still no match for Ribbons Almark. Sensitive data pertaining the profiles of the Gundam Meisters, GN Drives, and Celestial Beings' mobile suit designs were taken due to unauthorized infiltration. Veda has been manipulated with certain commands that affects all operations of Celestial Being.
Bio-terminals called the Innovades can telepathically connect with Veda through use of quantum brainwaves and GN particles as a catalyst. They can use this ability to great effect, like locating one of their own. When the Innovades connect to Veda, their eyes glow in a digital rainbow hue. It has been hinted in interviews with director Seiji Mizushima that Veda is the primary cause for the world's current situation, including why Solar power is more commonplace than nuclear energy (in order to prevent mankind from destroying itself) and the splitting of the world into the three power blocs (something of a proto-form of a unified world).
It is unclear how Veda screens and evaluate for recruitment, but the majority of recruits to Celestial Being were chosen by Veda. Veda somehow noticed very specific people and entrusted them with the secrets of Celestial Being. From the Gundam Meisters to the crew members and agents, they were all chosen by Veda for their qualities. Veda does not appear to factor in compatibility, as the Meisters as well as other Celestial Being members are prone to violent diasgreements.
Those selected have not all agreed willingly, such as Gundam Meisters Marlene Vlady and Fon Spark. Several others were drafted into Celestial Being against their will. Untrustworthy operatives of Celestial Being were given explosive neck braces which detonate when they become a serious threat. Marlene was eventually deemed trustworthy and had her explosive removed.
In episode 24 of the second season, Tieria Erde recaptures Veda from Ribbons Almark. Ultimately, Regene Regetta gave Tieria Ribbons' access code, so Tieria was able to cut off Ribbons' link to Veda and his control of Veda.
Memento Mori
A solar-powered free-electron laser located on the Low Orbit Ring, it was developed by the Innovators for A-Laws with Wang Liu-Mei's financial support. Its destructive power quite easily surpasses nuclear weapons, and is capable of wiping an entire city off the face of the Earth with one shot. For all its power however, the weapon was doomed by multiple weaknesses. Its inability to fire rapidly and its limited firing angles meant that it was dependent on an A-Laws fleet for protection. Even with that though, Memento Mori would not prove easy to destroy. Its greatest weakness is its "electromagnetic field photon resonance chamber", a component critical to firing the Memento Mori. Should the chamber be destroyed or damaged, the Memento Mori's energy systems will overload and will result in a chain reaction explosion; the chamber itself is built under the right side of its hull armor. Approaching fleets were limited by their size and formation to stay in Memento Mori's firing area, and Memento Mori's heavy armor meant that only the most powerful weapons could destroy it. Also it suffers from a limited firing angle (approximately 30–45 degrees from vertical) relative to distance. In fact, the satellite weapon has a blind spot parallel to the orbital ring in which it is unable to attack. The Memento Mori makes up for this by anticipating the movement of enemy targets and firing at the enemy from long-range before the enemy can reach their intended destination.
Two Memento Mori's were created. The first was fired four times; first at the Suille Kingdom's capital city, then on a Richiera Kingdom military base-refugee camp, on an approaching Katharon fleet, and finally at Celestial Being's Transport Ship, Ptolemaios II. It was destroyed when Celestial Being used the Gundam Seravee's Hyper-Burst and Ptolemaios II's missiles to breach the armor, allowing Gundam Cherudim to destroy the electromagnetic field photon resonance chamber, destroying the superweapon. Memento Mori 2 fired only once, at Africa Tower's Low Orbit Station during a Federation Forces coup. It was critically damaged and put out of operation (at least temporarily) by 00-Raiser. Repaired, it was destroyed four months later by 00-Raiser before it could fire a single shot.
แนะนำหุ่น Gundam
Gundam Exia
The GN-001 Gundam Exia is the mobile suit piloted by protagonist Setsuna F Seiei during the first season of Mobile Suit Gundam 00. Exia is the second Gundam to appear in the series as it overpowers and destroys the AEU's latest mobile suit, the Enact, during a public demonstration of the Enact's capabilities. Designed for melee combat, Exia's primary weapon is a massive metal blade mounted on its right forearm, which can be folded down to reveal a beam gun. Additional hand-held swords, beam blades and shield complement Exia's armament. While the Exia is in battle with Ali Al-Saachez piloting the stolen Gundam Throne Zwei, the death of Aeolia Schenberg triggers a system trap and activates Exia's Trans-Am system, releasing the Gundam's full potential. During the battle at Lagrange point 1, Exia is severely damaged during its confrontation with Graham Aker in an upgraded Flag, the GN-Flag, and left drifting in space. The partially repaired Exia makes a short appearance during the first episode of the second season. Although it can stand its ground against the GN-XIII, it is no match for the newer Ahead. Celestial Being recovers the Exia after its battle at the Proud colony and installs the Exia's GN Drive on the 00 Gundam. A repaired and upgraded Exia, dubbed the R2, makes another appearance in the last episode of the second season, when Setsuna transfers from the wrecked 00 Gundam to pilot the Exia against the 0 Gundam, piloted by Ribbons Allmark.
กันดั้มเอกเซีย (Gundam Exia)
ไมสเตอร์ของเอกเซียคือ เซ็ตสึนะ เอฟ เซย์เอย์ (Setsuna F. Seiei)
ชื่อเดิม "โซรัน อิบราฮิม" กันดั้มตัวนี้มีดาบติดตัวถึง 7 เล่ม และ ยังมีโล่อีกด้วย]
Gundam Dynames
The GN-002 Gundam Dynames is the mobile suit piloted by protagonist Lockon Stratos (AKA Neil Dylandy). Dynames is the third Gundam to appear in the series when it provides fire support for the Exia during a public demonstration of the Enact's capabilities. Designed for long-range sniping, Dynames's primary weapon is a long-barreled beam rifle. For close combat, the Dynames has a pair of beam pistols and beam sabers. The Dynames is also outfitted with several shields and missiles. Its most powerful weapon however is an extreme long-range sniper rifle, an optional stationary armament capable of targeting and sniping targets in planetary orbit. During the battle at Lagrange point 1, The Dynames is heavily damaged when Lockon Stratos shields an immobile Gundam Virtue piloted by Tieria Erde from an enemy mobile suit, causing Stratos to lose his dominant eye
[ตัวนี้ GN-002 กันดั้มดิวนาเมส (Gundam Dynames)
ไมสเตอร์ของดิวนาเมสคือ ล็อกออน สตราทอส (Lockon Stratos) ชื่อเดิมคือ นีล ดีแลนดี้(season1) /ไลล์ ดีแลนดี้ (season2) ทั้ง 2 คนเป็นพี่น้องกัน
แต่ นีล ดีแลนดี้ คนเป็นพี่ตายตอน season1 T-T
ไปได้ไกลถึงอวกาศ OoO (ทำได้ยังไงหว่า)และมีปืนพกติดตัวอยู่อีก 2 กระบอก]
Gundam Kyrios
The GN-003 Gundam Kyrios is the mobile suit piloted by protagonist Allelujah Haptism during the first season of Mobile Suit Gundam 00. Kyrios is a high-mobility suit that can transform into a jet-fighter. Its primary weapon are a double-barreled sub-machine gun which can operate in both flight and mobile suit modes. For close combat, Kyrios has two beam sabers as well as a shield sporting a pincer claw and a retractable heat blade. Optional equipment include weapons containers which are attached during flight-mode, various missile launchers, a pair of beam cannons, and additional thrusters for increased speed. Kyrios also has the ability to use a GN Field though the barrier is not as large to that of Virtue's. At the end of the first season, Kyrios is captured by the UN Army, but not before Allelujah ejects Kyrios's GN Drive to prevent it from falling into the UN Army's hands.Celestial Being eventually recovers the GN Drive and installs it on the Arios Gundam by the second season.
[ตัวนี้ก็ GN-003 กันดั้มคิวริออส (Gundam Kyrios)
ไมสเตอร์ของคิวริออสคือ อาเลลูย่า ฮาฟติซึม (Allelujah Haptism) เขาเป็นซูเปอร์โซลเจอร์
(ดูเหนือมนุษย์จัง) เขาเป็นคนที่มี 2 บุคลิก คนนึงจะสุภาพ อีกคนจะอำมหิต (ประมาณว่า คนนึงดี คนนึงชั่ว) หุ่นตัวนี้สามารถแปลงร่างเป็นโหมดเครื่องบินได้ (เท่) และมีปืนกลและมิสไซม์เป็นอาวุธ]
Gundam Virtue
One of the protagonist units of the anime series Mobile Suit Gundam 00, the GN-005 Gundam Virtue boasts sufficient firepower to independently annihilate numerically superior forces. Its primary weapon is the GN Bazooka, an energy cannon that fires massive blasts capable of destroying multiple enemy mobile suits in a single shot. Due to the GN Bazooka's slow rate of fire, the Virtue is also equipped with a pair of shoulder mounted, double barreled GN Cannons and a pair of GN beam sabers (the latter are rarely used however as the Virtue's heavy armor plating severely limits its speed and maneuverability in melee combat). A spherical GN particle barrier can also be generated from specialized projectors mounted along Virtue's chassis for added defense or other applications such as weight reduction during shutdown for ease of transportation with constant generator activity When the Trans-Am System is activated, the charging time of Virtue's GN Bazooka is drastically lowered and the shot becomes stronger. In emergency circumstances, the bulky armor of the Virtue is removable and can be ejected during battle to convert into an alternate high-mobility mode, Nadleeh. Later, Gundam Virtue's armor has been heavily damaged in the battle by Ali Al-Saachez in his Gundam Throne Zwei and some of the GN-X and after the battle, Celestial Being forcing to discard the damaged Virtue's armor into Gundam Nadleeh before the final battle.
Gundam Nadleeh
The uncovered high-mobility mode of the Gundam Virtue, The GN-004 Gundam Nadleeh is slimmer and more mobile than the Virtue, Nadleeh specializes in high mobility and is armed with a GN Beam Rifle and a GN Shield. Because the Virtue's armor lacks additional weapon mounts, Nadleeh's weapons are usually kept stored on the Ptolemy and must be either delivered to or picked up by Nadleeh. While waiting for its own armaments, Nadleeh is able to defend itself with Virtue's beam sabers or by converting Virtue's GN Cannons into a handheld configuration. The Nadleeh is also equipped with an emergency program called the Trial System, which enables it to control any mobile suit connected to Veda in the event of their capture. When the Trans-Am System is activated, it boosts Nadleeh's specs to three times the normal amount and its acceleration causes afterimages to appear. The Nadleeh is heavily damaged in battle with U.N.'s GN-X suits. Celestial Being recovers the remains of Nadleeh, along with Tieria Erde. The GN Drive is then installed in Seravee.
Its name originates from nádleehé, the Navajo term for a person whose body houses both a masculine and a feminine spirit, alluding to the mobile suit's dual nature.
[GN-004 กันดั้มนาดเลห์ (Gundam Nadleeh) และ GN-005 กันดั้มเวอร์ชิว (Gundam Virtue)
ไมสเตอร์เป็นผู้ที่สามารถเชื่อมต่อข้อมูลกับเวด้าได้ เขาชื่อว่า ทีเอเรีย เออร์เด้ (Tieria Erde) ข้อมูลทุกอย่างของเขาแทบจะเป็นความลับไปทั้งหมด หุ่นสามารถแปลงร่างได้ แปลงจาก Virtue เป็น Nadleeh แต่ไม่สามารถแปลงกลับได้นะ มีปืนอันโตหนึ่งกระบอก (ในภาพไม่มี แต่มันใหญ่จิงๆนะ) และปืนเล็กที่ติดที่ไหล่ทั้ง 2 ข้าง]
The GNR-001 GN Arms is a mobile armor/weapons platform created for Celestial Being's Gundams. The GN Arms uses GN particles to power its weapons and propulsion. It can draw these particles from its internal condensers or from a Gundam's GN Drive while they are docked. The Arms can act as backup combat support for the Gundam(s) or transform to dock with the mobile suit as a mobile armor (in this form it is called GN Armor). Only 2 are known to exist (the Type-E for Exia, and the Type-D for the Dynames).
Gundam Meister
Setsuna F. Seiei (刹那・F・セイエイ Setsuna Efu Seiei)
- Born as Soran Ibrahim, Setsuna is the primary protagonist of the show and was discovered by Celestial Being at the age of 14 for having special potential as a pilot. He is currently a Gundam Meister for their organization, piloting the Gundam Exia, and later the 00 Gundam, both specialized in close combat. Before gaining his Gundam Meister codename, he was a child soldier in the war-torn Republic of Krugis. He murdered his own parents under Ali Al-Saachez's influence in order to prove his devotion to God, and hence bears a deep hatred towards Saachez. Due to his previous religious brainwashing (and awakening from it), Setsuna no longer believes that God exists. Setsuna believes that war can only be stopped through direct confrontation, and therefore has little tolerance for diplomats and politicians, believing that their "peace talks" only lengthen the conflict and cause more casualties. Disappearing at the end of the first season, Setsuna reappears four years later and rejoins Celestial Being. In the movie, Setsuna initially pilots a repaired version of the 00-Raiser Gundam (it use double particle tanks instead of two GN Drives) named the 00 Raiser Condenser Type, but later in the movie however, he pilots his new mobile suit 00 Qan[T]("Double Oh Quanta"), a new mobile suit specifically suited to his Innovator abilities.
- Born Neil Dylandy, Lockon decided to join Celestial Being after losing his parents and little sister to terrorists in Ireland; because of this, he loathes terrorists. As the eldest pilot, he is considered the team leader of the Gundam Meisters, and sports a more easygoing, flamboyant personality as compared to the other Gundam Meisters. He owns an orange Haro to control Gundam Dynames when sniping and just like Setsuna, he has a personal feud with Ali Al-Saachez, who was directly involved in the terrorist bombing that caused the death of his family. After being killed at the climax of the first season, his younger twin brother Lyle Dylandy chooses to become the new Lockon Stratos, primarily to help spy on Celestial Being for the dissident group Katharon. He pilots the Cherudim Gundam, which is also specialized in long range combat. Later on, he falls in love with a new member of the Ptolemy, Anew Returner. In the movie, Lockon pilots a powerful redesigned variant of Cherudim, Gundam Zabanya, which focuses on both heavy artillery and sniping.
- Allelujah spent his childhood as an orphan in the Human Reform League as a Super Soldier experimental subject, designated "E-57". While generally gentle and rational compared to the other Gundam Meisters, he has another harsher, unstable, and outright sadistic alter ego, named Hallelujah inside him, which was the result of the Super Soldier experiments. His main rival in combat is another subject of the Super Soldier program, the HRL pilot Soma Peries who shares a mysterious connection with him. He is the pilot of Gundam Kyrios, and later, the Arios Gundam, both of which specialize in high mobility and are able to transform into mobile armors (fighter jets). Allelujah is imprisoned during the four year timeskip between both seasons, but he ends up being rescued by his companions after the other three Meisters reunite. In the movie, Allelujah and his friend Marie Parfacy pilot together Gundam Harute, which was created over Arios' and GN Archer's frame.
- Gundam Meister of the heavily armored Gundam Virtue and its successor unit, the Seravee Gundam, Tieria treats Veda's orders with high regard, valuing the mission above all other issues; he is also able to independently access Veda directly. As a result of his arrogance and cold attitude towards others, his relationship with the other Gundam Meisters got off a rocky start, but later learns to care for the other Meisters. Of all the Gundam Meisters, Tieria is the most enigmatic, with an unknown past and a peculiar connection with the Innovators. Contrary of the other Meisters who were either K.I.A. or M.I.A. in the end of the first season, Tieria continued to work for Celestial Being during the 4 year timeskip. Tieria first appears in the second season rescuing Setsuna in his battered Exia from A-Laws' mobile suits; Tieria then brings Setsuna back to Celestial Being to resume his position. In the movie, Tieria pilots the Raphael Gundam, a new unit produced by Tieria for his own personal use, with features from both GN-008 Seravee Gundam and GNZ-003 Gadessa .
GNR-010 0 Raiser (aka 0 Raiser), is a mobile weapons support craft made specifically to support GN-0000 00 Gundam. The unit is piloted by civilian Saji Crossroad
- GNR-101A GN Archer (aka GN Archer, pronounced "Gun Archer"), is a transformable MS weapons support craft that can change to a MS unit and combine with GN-007 Arios Gundam. The craft is piloted by Marie Parfacy.

GN-0000+GNR-010 00 Raiser (aka 00 Raiser, 00R), is the combined and mainstay form of GN-0000 00 Gundam and GNR-010 0 Raiser in mid-season 2 of Mobile Suit Gundam 00. The unit is co-piloted by Setsuna F. Seiei and Saji Crossroad.
[นี่เป็นหุ่นที่เก่งที่สุดและเท่ที่สุดในกันดั้มดับเบิ้ลโอเลยนะครับ ชื่อว่า GN-0000+GNR-010 00 Raizer
ซึ่งเป็นการ นำ 0 raizer มาด็อกกิ้งกับ 00 gundam ทำให้หุ่นตัวนี้มีพลังจาก twin drive system
ได้อย่างสมบูรณ์แบบ จนสามารถเคลื่อนย้ายมวลสารของหุ่นตัวนี้ไปอีกที่นึงได้ OoO (ทำได้ยังไง...อีกรอบนึง)]
In Season2
Gundam Exia เป็น 00 Gundam
Gundam Dynames เป็น Cherudim Gundam
Gundam Kyrios เป็น Arios Gundam
Gundam Virtue เป็น Seravee Gundam
A-Laws [สหพันธ์โลก]
- A-Laws
The Autonomous Peace-Keeping Force, or A-Laws (アロウズ Arōzu), is the primary antagonistic organization of the second series. Officially, their mission is to further unify nations by rooting out anti-government resistance. But their ideals and tactics are a facade of brutal oppression. Their actions trigger the emergence of some anti-Federation forces, like Katharon, and Celestial Being, which returns after four years. Many characters from the first series join the A-Laws, including Graham Aker (as Mr. Bushido), Billy Katagiri, Soma Peries, Patrick Colasour, Kati Mannequin and Louise Halevy. - Innovators
- At the start of Celestial Being's armed intervention, Ribbons Almark, from behind the scenes, leads a group consisting of six individuals known as Innovades (イノベイド Inobeido), beings created by Aeolia Schenberg to pose as Innovators (イノベイター Inobeitā). Supposedly essential to Aeolia's plan, Ribbons claims that they are "the future of mankind" while they are actually impressions of the true Innovators that would manifest within humans. Considered to be existences that surpass normal humans, they are beings created through means of heavy gene manipulation and nanotechnology. They are characterized by their advanced ability to use quantum brainwaves and directly interface with Veda, as well as their agelessness and androgyny. Tieria Erde is also an Innovade, but has sided with Celestial Being, and a number of other Innovades were shown participating in ordinary life worldwide in the final episode of season 2.
